Do you know why people would want to work for your company?

Do you know why people would want to work for your company?

This may seem like a strange question, shouldn’t it be the other way around? Shouldn’t the question be why would your company want a particular candidate to work for them? Yes that’s a valid question, it’s what the interview process is all about, but it’s good to remember that recruiting isn’t just a one way process. As much as you’re evaluating candidates they’re evaluating your company. And you can guarantee the question at the forefront of their mind is: “Can I see myself being happy working here?”

In recruitment we call this the candidate experience and it starts long before the interview phase. Today with the internet and social media, people can research companies in great detail, including reviews from customers to find out how the company treats people. A company that provides good customer service and treats customers well is likely to have a company culture that is people focused and this is very attractive to candidates.

If a candidate applies for a job, the chances are there’s something about the company and role they find attractive, it’s then up to the company to reaffirm their beliefs during the recruitment process. Here are a few things that can influence the candidate experience:

  • How detailed or accurate is the job description? A job description that expects the candidate to be all things and take on whatever is thrown at them reflects a working environment that could be stressful. But a job description that is clear, concise and accurate is likely to attract the right type of candidates.
  • How quickly is there a response after submitting an application or going for an interview? This reflects how organized and decisive a company is. Take a long time, or don’t respond when you say you will and good candidates will quickly move on.
  • How friendly is the interview process? Is the candidate made to feel welcome, given a tour of the organisation, or introduced to the team members? The more the candidate gets to experience the company the more information they have to decide if it’s a place they want to work. Showing them around can help them visualize where they could fit in and how they could contribute to the success of the business.
  • What are you willing to offer? For many candidates the salary is no longer the deciding factor. Are there other benefits included such as medical cover and how many days annual leave do they get? Is there opportunity for further learning? Are working hours flexible, are there options to work from home? Many companies are finding that being flexible and accommodating of employees’ needs, leads to greater productivity and happier employees.
  • What support is offered to new employees? Is there an orientation? Are they assigned a mentor that can help them to settle in and to whom they can go to if they have any questions. It’s unsettling to start a new job, helping new employees to find their feet and become a productive member of the team will help boost their confidence and increases the chances of them staying.
  • Say no gently. Sometimes candidates won’t be a good fit, but you still want them to have a positive experience of your organisation. When giving feedback on why they weren’t successful, try frame it in a positive way and be encouraging.

If your company is looking to recruit it’s good to consider why people would want to work for you. When you can define that, it makes it easier to sell your company to potential candidates and increases the chances of attracting the best people. Know your strengths, admit your weaknesses and you will not only be able to define what you need, you’ll be able to attract the people you want to work for you.

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